adibaIcon Library

Welcome to adibaIcon Library! This library contains a collection of customizable icons that you can easily integrate into your projects.


Getting Started

To use the icons from this library, follow these steps:

  1. Include the font files in your project directory.
  2. Link the generated CSS file in your HTML or import it in your project's stylesheets.


Basic Usage

To add an icon to your HTML, use the following structure:

<span class="adiba-icon icon-r icon-lg icon-red"></span>



You can customize icons by using color and size classes:

Combine color and size classes for complete customization:

<span class="adiba-icon icon-r icon-lg icon-red"></span>

Available Icons

A: B: C:


<i class="adiba-icon icon-r icon-lg icon-red "></i>
        <i class="adiba-icon icon-a icon-lg icon-blue "></i>
        <i class="adiba-icon icon-s icon-lg icon-yellow "></i>
        <i class="adiba-icon icon-h icon-lg icon-purple"></i>
        <i class="adiba-icon icon-e icon-lg icon-green"></i>
        <i class="adiba-icon icon-d icon-lg icon-orange"></i>


If you'd like to contribute to the library by adding new icons or improving existing ones, please follow our contribution guidelines.